Irony is revealed by the subjective and self-reflected act of seeing. A piano, a clothes line, an airplane can be a cow, a monster or daddy.
I investigate the appearing of things in contrast to what remains hidden.
I believe on an ethical hedonistic relation with existence and I invite people to have joy.

me for you that has an eye
Daniela Corrêa Fortes
Born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, at 1976.
Currently living in Bath, UK,
Master Course in Fine Arts, at Bath Spa University.
My work researches the importance of Art and Freedom in relation to the Joy of Existence.
I've studied painting in School of Visual Arts at Parque Lage,Rio de Janeiro, with Luiz Ernesto and Chico Cunha and drawing with Rafael Alonso.
Has done workshop with Katie Von Scherpenberg.
Graduated in Publicity and has done post-graduation in Philosophy and Arts at PUC-RJ.
Participated in the group shows:
“School in Trance”, under curatorial of: Lisete Lagnado and Ulisses Carrilho,EAV- Parque Lage,RJ 2017;
“ Meetings”, under curatorial of: Isabel Portella,Hostel Contemporâneo,RJ 2017;
“Carpintaria for all”, at Fortes d’Aloia e Gabriel, RJ,2017”;
“Collective of Students from Parque Lage-2016”;
“Art for all”,under curatorial of Eduardo Ortega - Liceu Artes e Ofício SP-2012;
“Position 2004”, under curatorial of Bob Ene,at Parque Lage,RJ;
“Rio Young Artist Prize 2000”, which she won with the video “Fish out of water”, shown at the exhibition, Sergio Porto Gallery,RJ,2000.
In theatre:
In 2017 presented the theatrical performance Amor-Fati at Flipt Festival,in Italy e the Painted Scenes: You are fire, I am passion, at Misancene-RJ.
Worked with the directors:
Christiane Jatahy, on plays as
“Dry Cut”,
“The Absence that Moves us” and
“ Bride’s Dress” - based on work of Nelson Rodrigues
and at the film
“The Absence that moves us”,
also shown as an installation at Parque Lage, 2011, with 3 screens for 12 hours.
Enrique Diaz ( whose was assistant and artistic collaborator from 2004 to 2009,
being part of the direction team of the
Residence “École des Maîtres 2008”
and with whom worked revisiting classics in
“Seagull - Theme for a Short Story”,
and presented all over the world the performances of
Coletivo Improviso
“Don’t Look Now” and
“Otro or weknowitsallornothing” (2004 - 2010).
With Lucia Rodriguez(Spain) and CiaPopUpTheatrics NY(USA) she did a monologue via Skype for spectators in international festivals, inside the project “Long Distance Affair”.
With Malu Galli and Bel Garcia, played the greek tragedy
Directed the performance “Café com Leite” at RioCenaContemporânea 2002.
With Evandro Mesquita and Patrícia Lopes created and played “Heavens!”.
Collaborated in works (Performances/photo/videos) of Anna Costa e Silva and Janaina Tschäpe.
Coordinated with Márcia Fortes the exhibition “Helmut Newton, 40 years of Fashion Photography”, at Itamaraty Palace, RJ, 2000.
Worked as executive producer at “Art Lovers” in Liverpool Biennial 1999.
Helped founding “Cobogó” Publishing Company with Ricardo Sardenberg.
Produced fashion shows of Luiza Marcier.
Won “Rio Young Artist Prize 2000” for the theatrical text “Rosemary is a crab”.
Published at the Catalogue of “Kunsten Festival des Arts 2007” in Belgium the text “Essayistic Ideas at the Seagull”
and at the Liverpool Biennial Magazine 2001 the text “Art is Life and Life is Fine”.
Since 2005 publishes her writings at